Sound Bath Meditation



Sound is one of the most effective ways to reduce our stress level by lowering our blood pressure and heart rate. 

Our Services

Private 1-on-1 Sound Bath

Private sound bath meditation - resting in deep relaxation, restoring your inner balance, and improving your physical and mental health. The one-on-one session is tailored to the individual's needs during session.

Group Sound Bath

Sound bath meditation in a group setting, similar to a private session, provides the space to rest your body, balance cellular frequencies, and restore optimal health. Some people enjoy the collective experience of a sound bath in a group setting.

Private Sound Bath for Two

This is a perfect place to deepen the connection between you and your loved one - between wife & husband, mother/father & son/daughter, etc. People who do sound baths together are known to feel more connected to each other.

Group Vocal Harmonization

There are many ways to use our voices. Vocal toning is an amazing way to express our emotions and clear blockages.  We have the amazing ability to free our emotions, restore balance to energetic deficiencies, and return to a state of peace using our own voices. Connecting with people in an environment where harmonic sounds are produced and received provides healing benefits. Come join us in this exciting weekly gathering! 

"Sound is one of the most important healing modalities. The right vibrations work on the body’s parasympathetic nervous system and reduce systemic inflammation."

Ascending Vibrations

What is Sound Bath?

The participant lies down or sits in a comfortable, safe space, while an intuitive practitioner plays musical instruments inviting participants to relax and rest in sound.    

The effects of a sound bath are similar to those experienced with regular deep meditation. People with chronic illnesses and pain can benefit greatly from regular sound baths. 

The best part is – people don’t have to do or try anything. They just sit or lay down while listening to the sounds, and simply rest.  The music will do its restorative work. 


Supported by recent science studies, we now know the why and how of the beneficial effects of sound vibrations. 

For example, during a sound bath, the brain’s wave patterns can shift from beta to alpha, theta, or delta. These changes can promote relaxation, mindfulness, and insight. 

Why Choose Us?


With more than 2 decades of medical clinical experience, Emily understands and appreciates the intrinsic connection between our body, mind, and spirit.

We cannot have a healthy physical body if our mind is not at peace.

Likewise, we cannot have a peaceful mind if our physical body is ill.


We value the importance of our trauma history, connectivity, and thought and emotional patterns.

The essence of mindfulness is the foundation of our sound bath meditation.
During a sound session, our brainwaves can shift from the Beta state to Alpha, Theta, or Delta. These changes can promote relaxation, mindfulness, and insight. 


Regardless of many religious belief systems, we honor that we are all interconnected, and we all come from the same Source.

Regardless of our millions of outer differences, we honor that we are inherently dignified, equal, unique, and loved.


We believe in Unconditional Love...

It does not judge nor discriminate.

It is all-inclusive.

It is boundless.

It connects our body, mind, and spirit in wholeness.

It connects us in every way.

A black and white close-up shot of hands drumming on a bongo drum, emphasizing rhythm and music.

Client Testimonials

" This is a very refreshing experience for both the mind and body. I am completely rejuvenized after a sound session and I love going back. One thing I would say is to expect nothing and you will get everything, but if you expect everything, you will receive nothing. Just listen. Emily helped me understand this through many sounds sessions with her and I am ever so grateful."
"There are no words to describe the experience. It feels like I slept for 12 hours in the most comfortable bed, surrounded by the most beautiful nature. It's been a few days since my first session, I still feel grounded and renewed. The best thing is that the sound experience is completely pharmaceutical-free and substance-free. It feels so natural and healing. I feel more grounded in myself, and not inclined to worry about little things in life. I cannot find words to describe my experience... Wow.
You just have to try it for yourself."
T. G.
"After only one session, I am sleeping better. It was amazing. The experience stays with you for a while. I definitely want to have another session. Thank you!"

Let one of the beautiful gifts from Mother Nature -


transform your life
